Thursday, 27 May 2010

The Gardeners Arms, Lumn Road


The Gardeners Arms shortly before closure

It looks so sad like this
I hope it can be saved and reopened
Hyde as lost so many of our Public Houses over the years. We lost many when the motorway was built, and just of late it seems many of the more popular local pubs are falling by the way side. The Gardeners was always a good working class pub, folks would enjoy banter at the bar, play pool, darts and cards... enjoy a bet and generally enjoy each others company. These places were as much if not more a part of the communities than the churches... though of course the spirits were very different. We will be showing more of our past and present pubs over time.... if you have any stories or pictures then please let us know... both Nancy and Tom can be contacted by email at:


  1. Firstly, am I missing something as I thought that the Gardeners was on Lumn Road not Lane? (Not trying to be picky or anything!). Used to go in here quite a lot years go as I lived nearby on Tom Shepley Street, within staggering distance. For some reason, I always remember the song 'Ring My Bell' by Anita Ward being played constantly in there circa 1979. (That song would probably be more appropriate as a reminder of the Ring O Bells, but there you go!). Shame to see yet another Hyde pub pack up and go.

  2. Graham...
    Thanks for pointing that out.. you are correct it is Lumn Road, not lane. My mistake... I've amended it now.
    Graham this memory of 'Ring My Bell' dose in fact ring a bell ( pardon the pun ) I seem to recall some banter about this song and a certain someone.... neither the instance or person comes to mind.... this will bug me now. If I recall it or find out I'll report back


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Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom