Friday, 28 May 2010


The Oddfellows used to be a thriving public house but when a lot of the Streets were demolished to build Chartist House it lost a lot of trade.Apparently a rag and bone man used to drink in there and when he became too inebreiated, his friends would put him on his donkey and the donkey would take him home - knowing which route to take as it had done it so many times before! I'm not sure about a dog being a mans best friend - I think it was a donkey in this mans case!

1 comment:

  1. Great story there Nancy... I used to do tarmacing jobs with a travaler that parked his caravans around there in the mid to late 70s. The pub was like his office... also I recall it being run by Jack Hiltons grandad, and later still by Ricky Hattons Mum and Dad. It was a nice friendly pub with quite a few of Hydes charactures drinking there.


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