Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Ashton Brothers From Above.

Aerial Views

Continuing with the 'from above' picture yesterday I was sent these from my brother John.... I'd not seen these before and spent time picking buildings and roads out..




  1. Look at all those terraces on the top right of the 2nd pic! I think the only bits of those left are where Hyde Road & Racing Motorcycles are now.

  2. As is the chimney next to Hyde Industrial alongside the motorbike shop - ***here***

  3. Well spotted Ian...I remember all those building and houses coming down... As for where Hyde Industrial Supplies and that chimney is.. I'm sure it was around there that tripe was bleached and washed.. The 'triangle' at the side of Floweryfield Church as changes as seen some change as well.. To say the first picture just shows a bit of that area there's still plenty of Chimney's about.


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