Saturday, 16 October 2010

The Crown (Disappeared Pubs)

The Crown - Photo kindly lent to us by Mike (Serigrapher)
Great Photo ,many thanks :)


The Crown was a pub that stood at the junction of Market Street and Nelson Street. It is another pub that has fallen by the wayside and become what looks like shops or offices.

Here's a picture from the inside of the pub... it dates to around the mid to late 70s...



  1. The lady far left in pink is my mum.... the crown was her local at that time... I really should know the chaps first name... his surname was Rothwell... I had know him since a was old enough to go to my dads allotment on Church Brow.. I always called him Charlie Drake... as he use to remind me so much of him.... I think he is sat here with his wife.. notice the chain around his neck and what is hanging from it.. ha! I think this was a part of the pub they called.. 'bull shit corner'.... ha!..
    I was most surprised that this pub went to the wall... it always seemed to bob along nicely... I recall it had a music room at one time that pulled the crowds in.... I think the ones involved in that moved on to the Navigation but I could be wrong on that.. It is another sad blow to the drinking houses of Hyde Lane... and Hyde as a whole will suffer from all these shut downs.

  2. Thanks Gerald. Good shot of yours! I got a photo of it in the week but haven't got round to uploading it yet!I hope it isn't going to be offices.

  3. I heard the other week that it is a mixtures or offices/shop on Market Street with a flat above.. I believe that on Nelson street two Houses have also been made.. seems to have been a like Dr Who's' tardis' with what's been made from it.

  4. the chap in the centre of the photo was called wilf binman /grave digger he was a gentleman never had a bad word for anybody.

  5. I remember him being a binman now you say it... I seem to recall he kept pigs at one time..


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