Friday, 1 October 2010

Woodend Lane Views



Two views of Woodend Lane... both taken across from St. Georges Vicarage more or less in the same place.. One taken around a hundred years after the other.. but I noticed the street lamp is in a similar place... I also know which view I'd prefer to see when walking this lane. 


  1. Good comparisons there ,Tom! I know which view I'd like to see too and it isn't the 2nd one !

  2. I have recently moved into a house on Woodend Lane and i am curious as to some of the history surrounding my house. Inside my garden is an old fireplace which has a stone face built into it which looks like the face of captain whitle after the fable of captain whitle's wind. If anyone can help me with anymore information as to why this fireplace still exists in my garden and to some of the former properties on woodend lane then i would be greatful.


  3. Hi JJ
    Can you drop us an email with some more details.. and if we can help we would be pleased to.

  4. Hi Tom
    What details would you like. Let me know if you like a picture.

  5. Hi JJ.. A picture of the fireplace would be great... if I'm right as your house got a name? If so let me know by the email... I have a couple of old trade directory's that might throw some light on who lived there... Have you also looked on your deeds to see when it was first built and such like.


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Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom