Saturday, 6 November 2010

Old Street Signs 2

Recently Nancy showed us two old street signs... one from Tower Street and the other from Nelson Street.. True to form it led to one of our regular contributors Dave Williams sending in some photos of the street signs on Tower Street...  cheers Dave.





I would like to see if that can be beat... or equalled for that matter, 4 street signs through the ages is surely a record... but I'm sure if there's a street out there to compete we will be showing it here soon ha! 


  1. Wow!
    Four different signs from different era's - on such a short street too! I think Nelson Street has a few but they all look like the old signs.Guess who'll be looking at road signs everywhere she goes from now on .ha!

  2. I thought much the same Nancy...


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Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom