Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Cinema Adverts

I remember adverts such as these from my younger days.... ;o) the one that sticks in my mind was the one for Lowry's nightclub... it showed people saying they went there at the weekend... it was the place to be seen. What made me laugh was that it was filmed in London..... and as it was being filmed those red London Buses   would go by.  The other one was the No 6 cigarettes adverts.. "People are changing to No 6"..  I'm sure others must have memories of these adverts.

Thanks to "caretakerste" for this great video!
Much Appreciated.


  1. Really love this video !
    Hope there are more to come, Ste! :)

  2. Tom, remember the Lowrys advert myself, I can still remember it being on at the Theatre Royal with all these cockney voices saying "Yeaah I oilways go there". then the whole cinema bursting into laughter when it was announced that the place to be seen was Lowry's - sticky carpet and chicken in a basket are my abiding memories of that place.

  3. Anon... thanks for commenting.... it was a funny advert. Alan Greenwood who had Lowry's died recently, I went to his wake at the King Bill in Newton... There were many old faces turn up. Some I'd not seen in over 20 years. Sticky Carpet it did have... I think we should do a posting about Lowry's.. ha!

  4. thanks for the comments i still have the 35mm advert reel that the above advert is taken from i will see if i can find anymore

  5. That would be great... very much appreciated.


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