Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Hattersley High School

Hattersley High School stood on Fields Farm Road in Hattersley. It was the only High school in Hattersley and was operational until it was closed and replaced by Alder Community High School in Gee Cross in 2003. It closed due to a combination of falling pupil numbers ,which was partially because of the population drop in the mid 1990's ,and parents opting to send their children to other High Schools in the area. I'm proud to say both my children attended this school (and Alder when Hattersley closed) and both came away with a great education and outlook on life thanks to very good ,caring teaching staff.

Hattersley High School

The derelict site after demolition


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hattersley high school was first a secondary school then a comprehensive then high school

  3. Hattersley high from 1980 till 1985 was a good time got a great sun tan sitting in the valley during school hours I have done well for myself the education was poor

  4. I was there from 1990 to 1995
    Had some bad times and some really good time.
    I do miss some of the staff and pupils and I hope everyone is doing OK


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