Sunday, 13 March 2011

Hyde Whit Walks

 The following photo is taken from the North Cheshire Herald or Reporter as it was fondly known so the quality and clarity aren't great!
It shows a photo of the Zion Congregational Church walking in the Whit Walks of 1969. They are walking in front of Boardmans Furniture shop which stood on Market Street near to where the Yorkshire bank stands today
The little girl with the dark coat and big smile in the middle, holding hands with "big" sister Jane, is yours truly... Ha..ha!
Ahh ..happy days !


  1. Excellent picture Nancy.... you look much the same today... Faded and out of print... ha! :O)

  2. How very dare you, Tom ! lol x

  3. I think the lady on the right of this picture is Miss Gladys Hodgson - a Sunday School teacher at Zion.

  4. Hi Nancy im just in front of you - Linda Whitehead with Lesley Hardy who sadly recently passed away.

  5. Nancy that is amazing, I believe that is me behind the two boys, I am partly shielding me face as I didn't want me photo taken. What year was this ?

  6. I would hazard a guess at about 1966, Chris.
    Aren't we all happened ? ;)


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