Monday, 18 April 2011

Views Around Hyde (4) Beautiful Blossom

 Thought I'd just share these lovely blossom tree photos...Now is the best time to see their beautiful colours.
I wonder why it becomes windy when they are in blossom?



These two trees are at the junction of Stockport Road and Mottram Old Road in Gee Cross.


These two trees stand on Lumn Road opposite Tom Shepley Street.. 

They have been there for many years. I used to look at them when I walked to Leigh Street School many moons ago. There used to be three trees - unfortunately one of the trees was felled a few years ago.
Still look splendid though!


  1. Truly beautiful

    Those near to Pensioners House are always stunning as well.... and then the cherries are even better.. ha!

  2. I think Cherry trees require the wind for pollination.

  3. The ones near pensioners house are indeed stunning - see here


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