Thursday, 21 April 2011

Gee Cross League Of Help

Can You Help?

We have had a request for help... and as always we will try to give it where we can.  Do you have any information about this badge.    The request is from Susan who as in the past sent in some pictures and commented many times. This is what she says:

I'm attaching a photo of a badge which I've had in my possession for longer than I care to remember.  What I don't know is where it came from or what it represented.  Can you do a post on it to see if it jogs anyone's memory.


If you have an item which seems to relate to Hyde and you would like information please send in a picture if possible and we will do a post like this asking for assistance and information.


  1. I've checked this on Google, and there's mention of a 'League of Help' that was set up after the First World War in which British towns were 'twinned' with devastated towns in France and Belgium and helped in the rebuilding of those towns. But there's also a site that mentions a Manchester 'League of Help' charity which merged with the District Provident Society in 1958 to form the Family Welfare Association. I can't find any mention of Hyde or Gee Cross though, and I've had a quick look at the chapter dealing with the post-First World War period in 'The History of Hyde' but can't see anything there.

  2. I've just been googling myself but drew a blank... hopefully the badge itself might be recalled.

  3. I've had no luck with this at all.... as yet.

  4. I've been in contact with Eric, from Gee Cross.. Eric and his friend Derek have help with information before... and it seems they my be on there way to solving this, or at least pointing us in the right direction. Derek has spoken to another of their friends, who is now pushing 90.

    Anyway he feels he remembers it very vaguely and thinks it might be linked to Holy Trinity. Eric says him and Derek will keep enquiring.
    Thank you to the 'Gents' of Gee Cross..


Thank you for commenting.. we appreciate your input. The comments are a great source of information, and they let Nancy, Dave, Paul and myself know the blog is being looked at... If you would like to contact us by email please do so at

Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom