Sunday, 3 July 2011

Stockport Road Views



Eric has kindly sent in these two pictures of the high wall of Diamond Row Reservoir... no views of the archway that was featured a few posts back which Eric was looking for..
The two pictures do however show 'The Big Tree' and one of the pictures show it decorated for the Coronation of Edward V11.


  1. When did the big wall come down?
    I remember a local lad who used to jump off the wall into the tree - used to frightened people on the double deckers that used to pass by !

  2. There is of course another 'Big Tree' now just a few yards away from where the original stood, with a memorial stone remembering the sacrifices made in the Northern Ireland and Falklands conflicts. I'll send you photos Tom.

  3. Cheers Dave... to be honest I have not seen it before.


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