Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Market Square 2



We recently showed a view of how the Market Square looked in the 1970s, and we asked if anyone had more views from back then..... Joyce has kindly sent in these two and thinks there are one or two more and maybe a postcard from this time which she has but can't yet find.  Thank you Joyce... here's hoping they turn up.


  1. I love the top one with "Fella's" clothes shop on it. It was a really trendy shop :)

  2. I can't remember "Fella's" at all Nancy... must have been to trendy for me... Jeans and Doc Martin's were about as trendy as I got....


Thank you for commenting.. we appreciate your input. The comments are a great source of information, and they let Nancy, Dave, Paul and myself know the blog is being looked at... If you would like to contact us by email please do so at hydonian@gmail.com

Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom