Sunday, 10 July 2011

The 'New Big Tree'



Under the shade of what is known as the New Big Tree is this memorial which 'Remembers the Sacrifices made in Northern Ireland and the Falklands. 

Thank Dave for the pictures. 


  1. Tom, whereabouts is it? The street behind looks familiar but can't quite place it.

  2. corner of Stockport Road and Lilly Street - I was by there earlier on way up to the well-dressing - got soaked - didn't stay long - a few photos forthcoming later though.

  3. Hi Ian
    It is where the Diamond Row Reservoir used to be... the house directly behind it are on Stockport Road... and the one in the centre is the Off Licence on Lillie Street.

  4. Cheers for the links Gerald... nice to see how it as changed.


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