Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Advertisements from around 1895

Another selection of adverts, this time from around 1895. Although well over a hundred years ago, the printers of the time seemed to have very large and unusual set of fonts. I wouldn't mind trying some of the "Quinine & Iron tonic" from Frank Rideals chemist or Lillian Blackburn's "Anti-Rheumatic Flannel"







  1. What great adverts Paul...
    When I read these I think back to the likes of Brookes and Dean and Noble whose shops were well stocked... over stocked to be honest... but you knew you'd get what you needed, and be served with respect and attention.

  2. Interesting that a couple of the adverts show the address as 'Town Hall Buildings' but don't find it necessary to show a street number. It's that building on the opposite side of Corporation Street to the Town Hall, and the shops there are currently numbered from 62 to 82. I wonder if J H Dawson's advert for 'Anti-Rheumatic Flannel' would fall foul of the trade descriptions act nowadays, and Frank Rideal's assertion that their Senna 'leaves nothing to be desired' made me smile.

  3. Dave: I agree... I think it was a load of 'flannel' from Dawson's.. I was also amused by the Senna Leaves... these leaves can still be bought in Hyde, upstairs in the market hall... but don't ask me how I know... or I might just tell you ha!


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