Friday, 2 September 2011

Zion Christmas Nativity review.

Here is a review from North Cheshire Herald of the Nativity play that was performed in the Zion Church in 1969.
My sister Jane and I were two of the "little angels".... nothing changes ;)


I even remember part of the verse despite being one of the younger children...

"When the Christmas Angels
Came flying down to earth.
They flew to fields in Bethlehem
and spoke of Jesus' birth.

But one of them was smaller
and couldn't fly so fast
Her little wings were not so strong
and so she got there last "

I remember being very proud doing the poem as both my Nanna's were on the front row watching us! The Christingle service afterwards was magical and something that will stay with me forever!

The Zion Sunday School on Peel Street circa 1990's

1 comment:

  1. I loved the old Sunday School Building.It was full of lots of little nooks and crannies and "secret" passages. It had a great stage ,too . The kitchen was always warm and homely, too!


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