Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Mount Street Photo

Here is a photo taken on the corner of Mount street, with Thomas Street in the background. Brothers Brian and George Gregory are in berets and Jack Morris is front row,second right. Back right is Ernie Bentley and 2nd right his sister, Mary Bentley.
It is late 1930's.

thomasst, Corner of Mount street with Thomas St in the background.Gregory Brothers in berets (brian and george) Jack Morris front second right.Circa mid 30's


Here is the approximate view of the same place as seen today.


  1. Thanks for this comparison. I didn't know where Thomas street was.

  2. Anyone know the name of the man first right?

  3. No, sorry Jean. My dad can't remember the names of the men on the front row. Have you got an idea ? If so, let me know and it may jog his memory ! :)

  4. It looks to me like my dad Percy Nixon.

  5. I shall ask my dad tomorrow and see if he recognises the name !
    It would be strange if it was your father ! :)


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