Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Cock Brow and Apple Street revisited

A couple of weeks ago I showed a series of photographs of a walk down Cock Brow and Apple Street in which all the photos were taken looking in the direction of travel. In all I took some 50 odd photos (which I currently have as the desktop background on my computer) and below are a few of the ones I took looking backwards and sideways along the way.

If when you get to the end you decide to walk back this is the climb which faces you when you eventually get to Cock Brow.

A very picturesque view, apart maybe from the electricity pylon and telegraph poles!

Suspicious eyes were watching me in some places.

A tractor having a well-earned rest at Lowend Farm.

The War Memorial from a different viewpoint to that which is usually seen.

Werneth Low, a blue sky, sunlight and shadows from the trees - what more could you want?


  1. I love these pictures Dave, such a peaceful place and so beautiful in the sunshine.

  2. Barry in Oz. Marvellous isn't it ? I was born and bred in Hyde, left at 17 in 1964 to join RAF and had never been up Werneth Low until 2010, 44 years later, when back on holiday from Oz. I never even knew that there was a War memorial up there. Never knew what was on my doorstep.

  3. Looking up to windy harbour is a good shot,part of my running route when i was training to join up,still do it now at 48 when i get up to visit,it's part of my ritual to test myself,usually hit this part at about 3 mile,then it's either right over to the cenotaph or do a left and head toward joel lane!!! Easy-ish!!!!

  4. the cow is 833 longdendale revival holly and she is a nosey cow with attitude which she gets from her father,
    the tractor is semi retired now but i can remember buying it new, and the veiw of the cenotaph is one i see every day so to me it is my normal veiw.
    keep up the good work,

  5. Hi Mark
    Hope this finds you well... I really must try to get up there and say hello again.

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