Sunday, 16 December 2012

Another view of Newton Street...

 To round off our Newton Street photo collection, here is one sent in to us by Elsie D.
"I hope this will be of use to the blog" she writes...

At the junction with Manchester Road

Many Thanks, Elsie .
Much appreciated !


  1. The two shops on the left after the corner one were the Central Premises of Hyde Equitable Co-op Society. I also remember shopping for shoes at Garbetts (on the left hand corner ) in the 1960's

  2. Barry in Oz. There was a great chip shop on the left hand side about 5 doors up from Manchester Rd. You had to walk upstairs to the Cafe. I used to walk there from Floweryfield school at lunchtime because I hated the school dinners.

  3. Another evocative view of an area that I lived in during the 1950s. I cannot remember the names of all the shops but there was Mrs.May's herbalists; Stafford's Barbers Shop; Cheetham's Newsagents; Moscrops on both sides; Zona's(?)greengrocers; Brine's Butchers and several shops that I can recall what they sold but not their names. Handforth's was indeed at the bottom of Newton Street, the last building on the left before Ashton Brothers wall.


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