Sunday, 20 January 2013

Fernbank Farm View

A few days ago we posted a couple of photos of the demolition of Fernbank Farm .
Here is the stone from the farm and a rather nice view of it from across "Buttercup Meadow" taken in the late 1970's/early 1980's.

The farm is the building in the middle of the photo on the left of the big tree !

I'm happy to say that the stone is still in the vicinity of the farm, in a neighbours garden !!

Also on the photo is Oxford House which is on the left of the photo and Oxford Road which is the row of houses on the right.

Map showing Fernbank Farm in 1875

The Tithe map from 1836-51 shows that the area where the farm stood was owned by John Boardman and was known as "Fern Hill". The field itself was known as "Thistly Field and Old Meadow" !

Map courtesy of cheshire maps.




  1. Thistley Fields is surely between Foxholes and Apethorn isn't it?

  2. Don't forget to feed the birds in this cold weather.

  3. Not according to the tithe maps, Gerald !
    I'll check what that area is called tomorrow !

  4. Thistley Fields is definitely at the bottom of Foxholes Road and is next to the old dirt path that leads you to the bottom of Apethorn Lane. There is a row of old cottages there standing out in stark contrast against the modern houses of the later development.


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