Friday, 4 January 2013

Mystery Photos

Below are two photographs that were taken on Old Road in Flowery Field . You can see Rosemount Church at the top right of the photos.
What we don't know is what the parade was for. We believe they were taken circa late 1970's /early 1980's.

Any ideas? Please let us know !

Love the old United Co-operative Dairies milk float !!



  1. This is just a guess, but if you look at the milk floats number plate it ends in a 'X', that is the registration suffix for the year 81/82.

    I can make out a sign in the windscreen says 'Fight', and there's a young lad in army fatigues, and a man selling Union flags, so my guess is some kind of Falklands War victory parade from 1982 (?)

  2. The milk float in the pic looks like its an X reg which would make it a '81/'82 model giving at least that date to pics...


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Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom