Sunday, 24 February 2013

Aerial View

Here is an aerial view of part of Hyde/Gee Cross area .

 photo 0fce226f-9a41-4bfa-ac9a-9e2d8e2df658.jpg

Bottom left you can make out Redferns Industrial Estate. Stockport Road runs across just above it. The dense foliage is Gower Hey Wood, incorporating the Trans Pennine trail which runs along the old railway line. The Cemetery can be seen top left to top middle of the photo and the field at the top right is Buttercup Meadow. The houses to the bottom right are, from the bottom, Brooks,Coronation and Auburn Avenues which are located off King George Road.

Many thanks to John H for the photo.
Much appreciated.

If anyone else has anything of interest to do with Hyde, Hattersley, Godley, Gee Cross and Newton, old or new, that they would like to share, please send it to us. at


  1. I'm struggling to 'get' this picture. It looks quite modern with Zion's 'new' church and the new footpath across the top field. But what are the big dark areas at the top right. They can't be the old reservoirs can they?

  2. I struggled with them, too, Bill then I realised that they are possibly the wings of the plane that took the photo.:)

  3. Dooh!!!!!

    I think you're right Hydonian.

    Why didn't I think of that?


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