Saturday, 2 March 2013

Enfield Street School

Today we have a class photo from Enfield Street School from 1947, along with the following message...

Attached is a photograph with names (where my 75 year memory allows) of the Enfield St Primary Class of 1947 for your collection. I am number 16.
Eddie Grist (mechanical engineer, PhD)"

 photo d19252f5-bd5a-4fa9-a223-65a97bb9ef63.jpg

 photo d751b667-d9da-442d-8ec8-4028354fa793.jpg

 photo b89105b7-5673-464b-9c3e-c0090e1a65e5.jpg

As always, if you are able to fill in the missing names, please let us know.

Many Thanks, Eddie.
Appreciated as always :)


  1. hello everyone - eileen from bolton here.
    the wigley family went to enfield street school from 1953 - 1970. lovely memories of the infants room, nice and colourful, alphabet letters on posters, chalk boards, water and sand to play in, jack and jill books, a rocking horse, jolly teachers and a brilliant range of toys i'd never seen before.
    miss woodward retired about 1960 and the other teacher in the picture looks like mrs lucas only alot older.
    i remember my first day at school, i cried for my mum for ages. miss woodward asked me my name but i was too shy to talk to her, i was too shy to talk to anyone. eventually a little boy called martin made freinds with me. i remember he was much smaller than me but he looked after me and he fastened my coat up at home time. he used to talk for me! after a week he got me talking to him but i remained acutely shy of other people for years.

  2. I remember Marlene Warrington named on this photo. When she was older she had a really beautiful singing voice and won many prizes in musical festivals, as well as appearing in Hyde Chapel pantomime. I think she lived in Frogmore Avenue. She gave a lot of pleasure to a lot of people.

    Like Eileen from Bolton, I thought the teacher on the left was Mrs Lucas. I think she gave piano lessons and her daughter, Brenda, was married to John Ogdon, the concert pianist.

  3. Two years ago I visited Hyde with a grand son, At the Gee Cross Well Dressing I met Marlene Warrington, I hadn't seen her for 50 years, When we were young she lived about four houses from us on Apethorn Lane.

  4. Update on names: -
    11 - Roy Aspinall
    18 - Lilly Wright
    20 - Marjorie Emery
    23 - Pauline Manton
    28 - John Graham
    Thanks to Bill Emery and Marjorie Thorpe (nee Emery)

  5. Update on names: -
    11 - Roy Aspinall
    18 - Lilly Wright
    20 - Marjorie Emery
    23 - Pauline Manton
    28 - John Graham
    Thanks to Bill Emery and Marjorie Thorpe (nee Emery)

  6. Update on names: -
    11 - Roy Aspinall
    18 - Lilly Wright
    20 - Marjorie Emery
    23 - Pauline Manton
    28 - John Graham
    Thanks to Bill Emery and Marjorie Thorpe (nee Emery)

  7. Hi Nancy

    1946 Enfieid St photo missing names

    2 Jean Conner

    3 Bessie Berrisford

    6 Joan Windybank

    12 Kenneth Porter

    24 Brenda Shenton

    26 Marcia O Neil

    24 Jean Harrison


    Steve Woolley(Son of Marlene Warrington)


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Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom