Sunday, 14 April 2013

Mystery House

We recently received this postcard from Elsie who wondered where this splendid house was/is ? She isn't even sure whether it's appertaining to "our" Hyde. 

It looks awfully grand.
Has anyone got any ideas ? 

  photo ac45c0c2-3923-427d-aa58-982f4ab64b27.jpg


  1. Could that be the cenotaph in the background?

  2. If that is the cenotaph, it could be Vale House or Brookbank house Godley. Both demolished.

  3. This postcard is for sale on EBay at the moment. No exact location is given, but the photographer is from Bridport, Dorset, so i guess it's reasonable to presume the building is or was in that area.

  4. Susan has rightly identified it as Hyde Residential Home in Bridport, Dorset !
    I thought it was a grand House !
    Thanks very much Susan !!


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