Friday, 17 May 2013

Going Back

Here is a charming video that is on Youtube that was brought to my attention by Tom.
I hope you enjoy it.
p.s. There are a couple of pictures in there that are not of Hyde but it doesn't spoil the overall effect.


  1. This is wonderful. It went a bit quick for my eyes but I loved it. I am just going to play it again. Thank you Tom and Nancy!

  2. The fountain that now sits forlorn in Hyde Park should now be brought back to its rightful position on Hyde Market.

  3. I can't connect to it, either on Ipad or Blackberry.

  4. This is a really lovely video and isn't the music perfect for it. Like Beryl, I am also going to just "play it again Sam"
    So thanks Tom and Nancy, you do a great job with our Hyde Cheshire Blog!

  5. Fantastic! Some really lovely shots of old Hyde.

  6. Got it at last! I've watched it through 3 times already - it's lovely. Thanks Tom for finding it, and Nancy for uploading it here.

  7. This was made by Tony Upton, lived in Gee Cross for a while but as now moved away, but like most that do he takes with him fond memories. Hopefully I can get Tony to put some others together

  8. Good one this...can't beat putting old photo's to music..breathes new life into them..

  9. I can't get this video.

  10. Arthur HeywoodMonday, 20 May, 2013

    Is it the same Tonly Upton who use to live on Kirkstone Road.

  11. Arthur, I will message him to find out for you...


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Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom