Thursday, 9 May 2013


A letter to Dorethy/Maloney (and all the other cowardly aliases you use). 

We know that all the nasty, spiteful and sometimes racist comments you send are from the same person as it shows up on the computer as having the same location.
Do yourself a favour and save yourself some time by stopping sending them as they are deleted immediately.

Why you have to be nasty about something that you dont even have to read is beyond us.

ps If you want to use continue using aliases make sure you spell them right .
Also, using other posters names to post a comment is despicable....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to see this is still happening... it was one of the reasons I have had to take a backseat from blogging. If only you realised how much hard work and dedication Nancy is giving freely to keep this site going... it can be so hard at times to get a post out each day. To have such effort ridiculed, attacked and spoilt is so disheartening.


Thank you for commenting.. we appreciate your input. The comments are a great source of information, and they let Nancy, Dave, Paul and myself know the blog is being looked at... If you would like to contact us by email please do so at

Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom