Monday, 17 June 2013

"Reliving our Youth"

The following was sent to us by Joyce and Graham Sharp and it is precisely for the reasons they outline below just why we do the blog.
Hyde Cheshire Blog.

One of the first things that Joyce and I do each day is to look at this Blog and also the Hyde Daily Photo by Gerald England. Why do we this and look forward to it so much?

Joyce and I were brought up in Hyde, we were married at Hyde Chapel in 1956, we had two sons and left Hyde for Canada in 1966. Our parents and siblings are all dead now leaving a few cousins, nieces and nephews and friends in England. We now have three children, seven grandchildren and one great grandson, we have had no time to be "homesick".

However, as we get older there is a strong, but futile desire to relive our youth, a feeling shared by many. But, "You can't go home again". 

We cannot walk up Joel Lane and over Werneth Low. We cannot go down Hyde on a Saturday evening for a Football Pink and the Empire News. I cannot go to the Moulders for a pint with my Dad and on to Ewen Fields with a Handforths pie at half time.
We cannot go to the August Wakes Week Fair on the Market Ground or to the Ritz for a Saturday matinee. A tripe tea upstairs at the UCP is a distant memory.

Are there still Saturday night dances at Enfield Street School ? Does Jock still have his stall on Hyde Market?

A quick game of snooker in the Billiard Hall upstairs behind the Hippodrome on the way home from school.

To be able to walk down Hyde Lane looking in the many and wonderful shop windows.

These are some of the many things that we would like to do but, either they do not exist any more or, we don't have the legs for it!

So, this is where the Blogs come in, by refreshing some of those memories with the wonderful posts from so many people.

Thanks to Team Hydonian and particularly to you. Nancy, for helping us "relive our youth"

Joyce Baddeley and Graham Sharp on Werneth Low, 1954.
Many Thanks to you both for sharing the memories with us :) 
It's lovely to be able to help you relive your youth ! 


  1. Joyce and Graham, Out families experience is so similar to yours, Brenda and I with our first two young children left for Calgary in May 1967, we soon moved to British Columbia with an added child. over the years we travelled home, each time with young family members, we want our offspring to have an appreciation of there origins. our children have done the same to us as we did to our parents, all three live in the US, one on each coast and one in the mid West, We get together often, I keep them fully informed of goings on from where for us will always be home.

  2. Well done! A blast from the past seeing the photo Graham has included.
    I hope both he and Joyce read this and know that their input is very good.Bet you don't do Pantos any more Joyce.

  3. A fantastic site,could not have said it better,brings back great memories every time we read it,it kept our interest whilst we lived in Spain but now back in the uk in Northumberland so we do visit time to time,it's not the same now so great to remember how it was.

  4. I couldn't agree more. We left Hyde in 1968 for Canada. The first thing I do every morning is look at the same two blogs. You do a fantastic job and it's much appreciated...thank you.
    We still have family in Hyde and we visit frequently. Over the years many of our family and friends have visited us in Vancouver so we have stayed very connected to our roots. We always say that we have had the best of two worlds. Keep up the good work.
    Margaret from Vancouver.

  5. I get to go over Werneth Low about twice a year,as you know it's Fabulous,Try and get here,spare no expense!! It's worth every penny!!!!!

  6. Sadly Eric, no, Panto's are out now. - The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak!!! Joyce.

  7. Anita Davis /RichardsTuesday, 18 June, 2013

    Thanks for the memories...spent my teenage years in Gee-cross/Hyde ,youth club at stockport road methodist church hall,,dancing on saturday night at gee cross chapel,, and wakes week ...well like i said so many happy memories ,great to look and see the old places as i live in west oz now for the last 31yrs,keep up the great work ,,

  8. I read this with a tear in my eye.... if the blog never had a nice comment again, this post and your tribute will have made it all worth it.

    Nancy is a true star for the time, effort and love she puts into this adventure into the past.

  9. Hi Joyce and Graham, really lovely photo of you both. You have great memories of Hyde as it was back then, I have too. Alas, it has vastly changed and not for the better I may add, its sad to say that, because Hyde really was a great little town back then. Great shops on Market St, marvellous market full of real characters. Keep your lovely memories of Hyde as it used to be Joyce and Graham, for you would shed a tear or two to see it as it is today. Thank goodness we still have our wonderful Werneth Low.

  10. I love this site and Gerald Englands

    Like your goodselves these two sites are the first I look at when online


Thank you for commenting.. we appreciate your input. The comments are a great source of information, and they let Nancy, Dave, Paul and myself know the blog is being looked at... If you would like to contact us by email please do so at

Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom