Thursday, 1 August 2013

Hyde Drinking Fountain

A photo of the drinking fountain that used to stand on Hyde Market and now resides in Hyde Park

 photo a1d48688-7484-46fb-959e-971c915496fd.jpg

Anyone know when it was moved to the park ?


  1. I'm sure it was in the park when I went there as a toddler in the early 1960s... and I know it worked... My mum used to say it was filled with 'Woodhead Pop'

  2. According to the Tameside website:
    'The drinking fountain found its way into Hyde Park shortly after the First World War. The fountain was donated to the people of Hyde by the Total Abstainers, a local Temperance Society, and was originally positioned on Hyde market ground. Being a member of a Temperance Society involved the promise not to consume alcohol'

  3. It was in the park long before that, Tom. My mother told me never to drink from it! I don't know whether it was a working fountain but she certainly made me wary of it.

  4. I personally think it should be cleaned up and moved back to the square.

  5. My Mum and Dad used to call tap water Woodhead Wine or Corporation Pop. Not apt considering the fountain was donated by a local Temperance Society!

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