Monday, 12 August 2013

Newton Mill and Ashton Road

 photo NewtonMillAshtonRoadandenvironsHyde1935.jpg

Taken in 1935, and showing a part of old Hyde in all it's working class glory.... I trust this picture will be deemed suitable by all. Anyone who would like to point out certain buildings please feel free to do so.


  1. Bottom right Garden Street and Clarence Street houses just being built. Amazing to see all the other green spaces that were filled with social housing just after the war.
    Dave Davies

  2. Dukinfield Arms past Hyde mill junction of Birch lane.

  3. On the right foreground just after Garden Street is Daisyfield Methodist Church, and is the open ground to the left of Talbot Road the land on which Harbour Farm Estate was built?

  4. I've manage to blow sections of this picture up and will be showing them tomorrow and going into a bit of detail much like the above have kindly done.

  5. I left school in 1962 and went to work at Newton Mill, I worked there for four years. I made a lot of friends there whom I am still in contact with. Happy memories. Wage £4.19.6p per week.
    My hubby's grandad lived in the first house on the right, will tell you a story one day.


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