Monday, 26 August 2013

Redferns Rubber Works

Sorry about not posting yesterday, and being late with it today, I have had problems with the PC and my Printer, then yesterday my grandson was taken into hospital... He's home now and all seems well. Sometimes things pop up and they have to take precedence over anything else. 

 photo EPW041585.jpg

Redfern's Rubber Works and environs 

I will hopefully be showing more of this area tomorrow, so please call back and view the superb aerial views from Britain From Above.  


  1. Don't worry, Tom. There are far more important things in life, and so long as you and the family are safe and well, that's what matters.

    Brilliant shot of Redferns - I can almost recapture the stink of the rubber which was relentless when we lived in Kensington Street!

  2. Not a problem Tom. Family comes first. Hope all is well now.

  3. Great photo of Redferns Tom, my grandad Bill Rothwell was a foreman there for many years. Grandad died at the age of 85 in 1973.
    Hope all is well with you and your family Tom, Take care.


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