Monday, 21 October 2013

SSAFA Car Show 20 Oct 2013

I went along to the SSAFA car show on Sunday and there was a fair turn out of vehicles on show and spectators to admire them.

The Mayor of Tameside, Councillor Joe Kitchen was there

And as well as serving troops and cadets quite a few of the 'old brigade'

There were army vehicles both modern....

....and not so modern

A line-up of American cars from the 1950s.....

......included this 1958 Ford Edsel Ranger, a car which lost the Ford Motor Company several hundred million dollars, the blame for which was put by some people on the unusual styling

This 1951 Ford Prefect was in pristine condition

A Triumph Roadster from the late 1940s as seen in the 'Bergerac' television series

An Austin 7 Ruby from the mid-1930s

And lastly a couple of Royal Enfields amongst the motorcycle contingent


  1. Excellent pictures Dave... so pleased you could make it.

  2. The Austin Ruby is my fathers, he owns several vintage cars

  3. Fab photos, Dave !
    It was nice that the weather held out too.

  4. Still sorting through my own photos of the event - meanwhile I mentioned the post to my friend in San Franisco who has written "In the event that you don't know the identities of the "Yank Iron" in the Hyde Cheshire post other than the Edsel, here's what is on display left to right:
    1982 Cadillac Eldorado
    1958 Edsel Ranger (the lowest priced of the four Edsel series offered in 1958)
    1958 Plymouth (I can't see enough of it to identify which of the three series this car is. My guess is that it is the middle of the three series, the Savoy.)
    1959 Chevrolet Impala

    I also enjoyed seeing the military vehicles and was pleased to see the WWII veterans being recognized."


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