Sunday, 3 November 2013

Greenfield Secondary Swimming team

The following photo was sent to us by an old friend of mine, Norman Ovens, who now lives in Michigan, USA.

He writes
"I remember the races in Hyde baths, a place I used to live in as a kid. I can't remember who we raced against , it may have been within the school. Names I remember are on the picture".

Greenfield Secondary School Swimming Team 1977

If anyone recognises anymore of these little cuties please let us know. :D

Thanks Norman, much appreciated. 
I hope you and the family are well. x


  1. Did Norman have a younger brother that wen to Greenfield Street, I'm sure he was called Michael Ovens?

    He was n my year '79-'84.

  2. I think he did have a younger brother.

  3. Michael etchells next to simpkins

  4. Bottom left, kneeling, carl barlow??


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