Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Gleams of Sunshine

We have had an email from  Peter Furnish which someone might find of interest.

I have just read your blog about the Gleams of Sunshine.
I used to live in Manchester (a true Mancunian born and in Higher Blackley) and my grand-folks lived in Allen Avenue, Gee Cross. I migrated to Western Australia in 1972 and then in 2012 went to live in southern Tasmania with my wife Linda. I will be 71 in January but still remember my roots in Lancashire.
Grandad was John/Jack Collinson and Grandma was Maud. When I came to Australia they gave me two original 'Gleams of Sunshine' written by my great grandfather James Leigh. Both books are in good condition and are over a hundred years old. Jack was a very skilled calligrapher and used to the do the book keeping for one of the merchants in Hyde When he retired he was asked to go back part-time to continue his book-keeping, which I believe he did. I think it was called 'copperplate' writing at the time. He was also a skilled water-colour artist and produced many beautiful pictures. He tried to teach me his skills with water-colours to no avail. I am okay with the writing and am a skilled black and white (Inked) drawing artist so maybe something did rub off in the end.
When the grand folks moved from Allen Avenue they went to live in a group of old cottages opposite where the trolley bus used to turn around on the Hyde to Romily main road and go back to Hyde. The end cottage to where my grandparents lived evidently used to be an old Smithy. These cottages had been renovated but as I hazily remember they still had low ceilings and oak beams, steep stairs to the upstairs bedrooms and small windows.
 Due to a bad back and lots of surgery my savings are depleted and I am in the position that I wish to sell one of my 'Gleams of Sunshine' and wondered if you are aware of anybody who might be interested in purchasing one of these copies (Originals)?

If anyone is interested in contacting Peter about one of these books then send in an email and I will pass it on. The book shown above is not the one for sale, that one's mine.


1 comment:

  1. The book can also be obtained on line from Abe Books for anything between £15 and £30.


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