Sunday, 17 July 2016

Hyde Pubs 1975 (42)

I don't know when the Oddfellows closed, but this is what it looked like 7 or 8 years ago.
It's not changed much since.


  1. Margaret Kelly (Hallas) was a good friend around 1962 when we worked in Manchester, she lived in Bears Wood Close.After that around 1975 myself and husband Bob used to go in the Oddfellows,when in Hyde up from Essex.They were a great couple and ran a good pub. WHat a good picture on this site.xx

  2. I worked at the garage across the road from the pub in 1990 and i think it closed it's doors around the same year.

  3. I used to be a regular there in the 1960's, it had those lights that make anything white look luminous and they played great music! It was a focal point for the youth of that era. I remember drinking Cherry B in particular!

  4. My mam and dad ran this pub between 1983 - 1989....great times Ray and Joan Millward.


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