Sunday, 9 July 2017

Missing Pictures.

A site hosting some of our pictures as started charging to host our pictures and allow them to be linked to. Instead of paying more for this privilege I will be moving all the effected pictures post by post to somewhere else. This will be on going until the job is done but will take some time.


  1. As is life, always full of hurdles. Is it still worth sending you various bits and pieces at this particular time Tom or will you be too busy with this transferring? ..

  2. good luck - it would be a shame to loose them.

  3. Cheers Tom, If I can do anything, please let me know.


Thank you for commenting.. we appreciate your input. The comments are a great source of information, and they let Nancy, Dave, Paul and myself know the blog is being looked at... If you would like to contact us by email please do so at

Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom