Monday, 26 December 2011

Hodge Fold, Hattersley

A postcard of Hodge Fold in Hattersley.
What a lovely tranquil picture !

Incidentally, I always thought that this area was classed as Broadbottom.
Maybe the boundaries changed over the years?


  1. Hi Nancy, great postcard pic. Whenever I think of Hattersley, I often forget about the fact that it is on the edge of such beautiful countryside. I worked in Hattersley for several years, and only ever remember the petrol sniffing kids and run down housing. Shame really……selective memory gone wrong! Mind you, it was a long time ago now....circa 1985 to 1988. Eeek.....

  2. Hi Graham, yes, Hattersley went through a stage like you described but it is on its way back to being a lovely area once again. A lot of the rundown housing has been demolished now and there is a lot of open green space once again. An awful lot of people who live in the area are very proud of the beautiful surroundings and are very houseproud. always the few spoil it for the many. I think it will eventually become a very desirable place to live again. Some of the views are spectacular.
    Hope you had a good Christmas, by the way :)


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