Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Joel Lane Methodist Church Flower Queen

Janet Wardley very kindly sent us the following photographs...
They all look very pretty :)

"Here are a few pictures of Joel Lane Methodist Church Flower Queen Gee Cross  in the late 60s"




Many Thanks, Janet.
Much appreciated :)


  1. This is something that was special that we have lost. Losing a pub is nothing compared with losing a Sunday School or a church.

  2. Very true but they are all parts of the community that are sadly fast disappearing.

  3. I don't think Kathleen is right in what she says. To those people who wouldn't dream of going into a church, the pub is probably an important focus for fellowship and support, and to lose it could be traumatic.

  4. Many thanks to Janet for sharing these photos, they have brought back happy memories. From Denise - the girl in the photo holding the red cushion.


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Thank you Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom