Monday, 4 February 2013

Postcard from a bygone era.

Today we have a postcard of Hyde Hospital .

A couple of years ago it was supposed to be earmarked for demolition and the building of new houses on the site. Does anyone know what happened to the proposals?




  1. The old buildings shown here are used as offices and I don't think there are any plans to demolish these. It is the old fever ward and some other ancillary buildings that are being demolished. See here

  2. Thanks Gerald. I haven't walked up there for about 6 months so wondered if anything had actually happened. Thank goodness the old building is remaining.

  3. It looks so much better with the tall chimneys and the surrounding wall.

  4. i think it was the old ward 4 and the new esmi unit at the back that was up for demolition i remember them building that new block when i worked there as a porter in 1978 it opened just before i left but has been empty for quite a few years now

  5. The old hospital has a proposed demolition notice attached to it real shame another grand old building to be lost


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