Saturday, 27 April 2013

The Irish Rising of 1841

 The following article can be found in the 
Annals of Hyde and District 
by Thomas Middleton

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Captain Hyde John Clarke RN JP
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  1. Was the Irish quarter where the bus station is now? Donnybrook and Charles Street areas?

  2. I think that it became the Irish quarter at some point. The original Irish quarter was around Hamnett street, I believe, as there used to be Catholic services held at what is now Santander Bank.

  3. I remember Hyde Irish Club. Was it on Ridling Lane?


  4. Susan Jaleel said...
    I remember Hyde Irish Club. Was it on Ridling Lane?

    And I seem to recall that it was popularly known as 'The knife and pistol'

    Anyone know why?


  5. The Irish Club was on Ridling Lane. They had regular Free & Easy nights and artists on a Saturday.
    Lesley Snape


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