Saturday, 9 July 2016

Hyde Pubs 1975 (34)

This is a photograph taken 7 or 8 years ago..... July 2013 it was boarded up, had a 'For Sale' sign on, and had apparently been renamed "Ri g o' ells".....
.....but a month ago no sign that it had ever been a pub.


  1. Such a sad end to a smashing pub... had some laughs and very good times in here.

  2. Hi tom.
    I remember those times too, I want to thank whom ever found the article and posted the picture of my mum and dad.
    I was a lot younger but knew all the regulars in the pub growing up there 20 years.. i always wanted to bring my kids back to the uk and take them for a tour of the pubs, sadly not many left ... Michael Reynolds


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