Sunday, 10 July 2016

Hyde Pubs 1975 (35)

This is where The Talbot originally stood. I'm not familiar with this part of Hyde till fairly recent times so I don't know if The Talbot was demolished at the time the motorway was built or later. No doubt someone out there knows.


  1. The Talbot wasn't demolished when the motorway was built, it was still standing in the early 2000's, it still quite well used then, because of it's bowling green. The landlord and his wife were still at the pub in the ninties and may have still been there when it closed.

  2. No it survived the motorway being built, but went from being on a quite busy road to a cul de sac, when the motorway was built so I don't think that help trade - it was still up in the eighties as I used to walk past it on a regular basis, but I don't know hen it finally succumbed to the developers.

    please stop keeping me in suspense - is the Brunswick or Royal Albert going to be in these post?

  3. I would guess it was demolished only around 10 years ago, no more.


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