Christine contacted me by email, She went on to say that her family had lived in Hyde but left for Australia as £10 pommes over 45 years ago.
Christine is wondering if there is any school/class photo's from Leigh Street infants, Juniors, and Senior School, from the years of 1960-67... maybe you remember Christine and have memories of her or the family.
When I read this I thought there was a good chance to find help on Hyde Community Onward (facebook page) and I'm happy to say there was plenty.
Shirley Hampson, ????, Margot Hauton? Linda Walters, Jennifer Hunt, Christine Rose, Barbara Pickford, Katherine Fay, Jean Calls, Susan Heathcote, Hillary Kinder, Mrs Sloane (teacher) Billy Willocks, Clive Young, Shaun Smith ,????, John Chadderton, Micheal Curumms, Richard Atkinson, Michael Tighe, Julian Howes, Richard Shepley, Dexter Stubbs, ????? Christine Council, ????? Janet Ryan Susan Hanibal, ????? Adele Halliwell, Nancy Grimshaw, Jennifer Black, Eunice Howarth, Norma Deardon, ???? Les Cropton, Billy Winston, Alan Batho, Derek Dutton, Rob Hulme, Neil Wrigley, Steve Daniels, Martin Cooper, Nigel
Hague, Gordon Neeson

All 3 of the above pictures sent in by Steve Daniels
1 comment:
Hello to Nancy, Dave, Paul and Tom
This is Christine - I wrote to you and you replied in 2016. It is only now that I thought I would take a look at my old school in Hyde and I couldn't believe what I saw!!!
Thank you so much for posting those photos - I do remember so many of my former class mates.
As mentioned previously, we migrated to Australia as 10 pound pommes. We weren't in the country very long when all of our photos and some belongings were stolen and therefore didn't have any of our early family photos which was pretty devastating!
Just seeing myself as a young girl is evidence that we did live there and how sentimental and nostalgic that made me feel. I so remember Mr Renwick and Miss Knowles if I remember right!
It was only possible from making contact with you and just wanted to send you a heartfelt thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Beautiful memory - Take care all, much love to you - Christine
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