Generations of children came to this clinic to be weighed ,have injections for childhood diseases or simply brought by their mothers for advice on their welfare.
How many of you readers remember having a sugar lump with medication for polio on it? A spoonful of sugar definitely DID make the medicine go down!
The old and new signs
Aeriel View of the clinic.
As it looks today as Hyde Physiotherapy Centre..
I asked at the clinic today and was told that it had been a Physiotherapy Clinic for around 40 years as far as she remembered! How time flies!
I can never recall going here as a child Nancy, I did however go to the old PSA building for the odd injection.. However I had to take my oldest son here for a few weeks physiotherapy and was very pleased with the professionalism shown by all the staff. It is a really nice building, set in it's own grounds... this is one building I have always thought would be lost to developers... hopefully it prove me wrong.
We didn't go to this child welfare clinic either Tom. We used to go to Bayley Hall in Hyde Park.
I am undergoing some Physio at the clinic at the moment and am happy to say they are still operating with the utmost professionalism! I like going here - It's so nice and quiet :)
O yes, I remember it well! In the early 50s I'd fainted onstage at a concert with the result that I had to attend Parsonage Street twice a week for sunray treatment. Don't know if it worked or not!
As a child I suffered ear infections on a regular basis. One of many things I had to have was sun ray treatment at Parsonage Street Clinic. I went every few weeks I think and had to strip off down to shorts before entering a room where people sat with their backs to this sun-ray lamp. The room had a very distinctive smell. One day I was left for too long and as a result was taken into a side room and my back covered in some kind of soothing cream. That same day I had bought The Beatles "I Feel Fine" with a record token I had been given for Christmas - so this would have been in January 1965 and the record was at number 1 at the time. Fond memories but it seems now like some kind of quack remedy - I can't see what purpose it served.
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