Please let us know if any of these are yours....
Rob K and Helen P's initials in a heart - I wonder if they're still together?
TW - Is this our very own Tom Wigleys moniker carved on a tree?
Tony - I'd like to think this mark was left by our dear departed friend Tony Collins ...
JB 1922 - Gone but not forgotten.
Swallows and Amazons anyone...?
More to follow........
I've stood there myself many times Nancy... it is a while since I saw these but could walk there right now and go right to these. Some must be very old, as I recall them from my childhood. I seem to recall making my mark on one of the trees in Polebank. I spent many many happy hours in Pole Bank grounds. When Pole Bank had it's own gardener I would call in to see him with my air rifle. He also stop what he was doing and make a brew... He never minded me shooting in the woods... in fact he encourage me to shoot the Squirrels and Magpies and Rabbits... saying that rabbits were a bit of a rare sight there... as the gardener snared them... he would show me any he caught and would let me have the odd one or two. Sometimes I give him the Wood Pigeon I'd shot in exchange. He will be long buried by now... but he left a great impression on me... it was a sad day when he left... The gardens have never been the same since... one of the jobs he did was to keep the stream flowing... even venturing into the culvert at spring time to clear out any larger branches which may have been washed down in the winter.
I should have looked at these more closely... I can confirm that it is indeed Tony 's work... and yes I also have to hold my hands up... I think there is also another one with someone else's initials.. but that is a secret between me and E. T.
:0).... I wondered if you see this. ha!
I did and knew what was coming before I even read the comments :)
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