The view is taken from approximately Tower Street.
The Barnfield Dance Academy building is still there in the 2010 shot albeit minus the wall and railing which I think were lost during the war effort.
Dowson Road was a very small street in 1910. It was known as Swain Street.
Circa 1910
Circa 2010
On the whole, the view hasn't really changed in 100 years.
It is still very recognisable from the postcard !
Great posting Nancy... I've not seen that post card before... nice to see a lot of the building are still with us today.
A nice view of times gone by..little change when seen side by side with a picture of how the same buildings look today. I also prefer the old name Hyde Lane than Market Street.
great comparison and I agree with anonymous I still call it Hyde Lane(most likley an age thing in my case)
Barry in Oz. When was it called Hyde Lane ? I was born in Hyde in 1946 and lived there until I joined the RAF in 1964 and it was always called Market Street when I lived there.
Barry again. Barnfield was where my younger sister learned to dance and I seem to recall that the wall was there in the 50s, although I could be wrong. Interesting to see that Dowson Rd was not there in the early 1900s. This is an interesting phot for me as My Great Grandad lived in Ridley Lane (just down from the Baths) in the late 1800s/early 1900s and this photo shows it as he would have known it.
Hyde Lane is still used by many... and though I've only known it to be called Market Street I grew up with both my parents and family friends calling it Hyde Lane. It stuck with me and I like Nancy and others who may be to young to recall it's past still use Hyde Lane. I do the same with certain shops and pubs... and use the name I knew them by, not what they are called. I recall my mum referring to a shop down Hyde as Redmans yet as far as I can recall there was not one called that as I grew up.
Hyde Lane was the original name for the stretch of road from Hyde Lane Pit to Gee Cross. The names of sections of the road changed over the years From Broomstair to Newton Street became Manchester Road. From Newton Street to Greenfield Street became Market Street. In the 1880's Hyde Town Council in their ultimate wisdom decided to name the whole stretch from Newton Street to what is now Dowson Road - Market Street. I never knew or heard the road called Market Street when I was young, it was always called Hyde Lane. Most people in Hyde who I know still call it Hyde Lane, and long may it continue. Redmans was near MacFisheries, across from Martin Middleton's.
And thats from me mum!!!!!!!
Rock Ape, your mum is correct, Hyde Lane forever.
Try putting 'Hyde Lane' on your application for a drivers license and see what happens.Lol. I think it's quaint, 230 years after the name was changed some are still calling it by it's old name. maybe we should revert to calling Hyde by it's original name, Red Pump Street.:-)
Obviously you wouldn't put Hyde Lane on your driving license application, but then again I never use Tameside on any written document, my address is Hyde, Cheshire.
'Dowson Road' junction is probably there, but in those days it was probably a narrow entrance into Swain Street.
Hyde lane,
Market street,
Red pump street
That'll confuse the postie!!
Hyde, Cheshire, definitely. Someone once told me that Tameside is not a recognised postal address and if we are wanting to be "correct" it should be Hyde, Greater Manchester. Not for me thanks.
As for Hyde Lane v Market Street, my parentsn grandparents and most of our neighbours were in the Hyde Lane camp - a generational thing I guess. Despite that, it's always been Market Street to me. However, by the same token, Lumb Road has always been Back Lane when I mention it. You just can't win!
Redmans had the best salmon paste by far, (when my Mum could afford it). I remember when you bought eggs they used to put them on a light box!!! Or was that Maypole? Memories.
Dowson Road was built in the 1930s and a couple of postcards we posted in August 2010 showed how it looked at that time. The Hyde Council of that era in their wisdom built a lovely wide road which a much more recent Tameside Council has seen fit to narrow down into one lane each way by building out the pavement into the roadway in places and by injudicious use of paintbrushes.
That doesn't seem to have worked try this .
Barry in Oz here, I wonder if any of the older folks that live on Talbot Rd, Newton, still call it Muslin Street ? Does anyone know why they changed these names in the first place ?
As for 'Hyde, Cheshire', I agree, I was born a Cheshire Lad, not a Greater Manchester Lad.
My 92 year old Dad still calls Grange Road North - Fairbrother Street!
My old A-Z from, I think, the late 1960s shows the last bit of Talbot Road before Victoria Street/Matley Lane as Muslin Street - probably just the last 100 yards or so.
As far as 'Hyde, Cheshire' is concerned, when I worked for Tameside Council it was a disciplinary matter if you didn't use 'Tameside' in the address of all places within Tameside. As I formerly worked for the GPO (though for the telephone side of the business, not the postal) and had always had it drummed into me to use the correct postal address, I continued to use Hyde, Cheshire as well as Denton, Manchester etc. With postal codes now in use it should not make any difference, but as far as I am concerned 'Hyde, Cheshire' is still the correct postal address. I did once get a letter at work addressed to 'Ashton, Tameside' but had been redirected and had the message 'Not Thameside' scrawled on it. So if you get a letter addressed 'Hyde, Tameside' which you receive later than expected then you know the reason why.
Yes, Muslin St...I understood it was the whole of Talbot Rd, and I lived just off it.
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