I thought the easiest way to tell you where the tree is would be to go down there and take a series of photos, so I did that this morning... You go down Apethorn Lane and over the canal bridge .
then down the steps and the path towards the river...
Go through the gate......
and by the side of the river....
and where the path coming across the bridge from Gibraltar Lane crosses that path, go straight ahead ...
follow the man with the dog!..... Go up the rise and past the bench on the left......
then follow the path till you see a small signpost on the left telling you about the lime trees......
The 'magic tree' is just ahead of you on the right....
You will see that the tree still has a good display of leaves .
Thanks you again Dave for coming to the rescue..... this walk would be great to start the New Year off.... and on that subject I'd like to wish all our friends and fellow Hydonians far and wide... and one or two we have adopted as honorary Hydoniana as well.... a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Nancy & Dunc
Tom & Jane