Aerial Views of Hyde, from Britain From Above another great image that I've been able to crop and share with all today. These pictures are dated 1935

No matter where you live the pictures from this site are fantastic and well worth seeking out.
Joseph Adamson and Company was at one time known the world over for their engineering skills and products. Boiler making was just one of their products. Joseph's uncle Daniel Adamson was a founder of the Manchester Ship Canal. Joseph Adamson's name lives on in Adamson Industrial Estate. Above Adamsons can be seen the railway sidings, I'm sure it was a coal yard. Railway Street is running across the top of the picture where centre top can be seen the Co-Op buildings. Back to bottom left we see Raglan Street.
Bottom right is Providence Mill off Alexandra Street.This Mill was built by Dean and Tinker who were Millwrights ,Engineers and Iron Founders of the Eagle Ironworks in Stalybridge. After the death of Mr Tinker in 1867, and with the building unfinished ,the building was put up for auction and was consequently bought by Robert Walker & Sons. It wasn't in operation until approximately 1869 because of ongoing building work..Disaster struck the Mill in 1886 when fire devastated the main building. As good fortune would have it the Mill was covered by insurance as the estimated damage was estimated at £25,000 - £30,000 - a fortune by that eras standards. The wrecked building was reopened in 1887 and included more modern such as electric lighting which was installed by Hydes specialist firm Stanley & Davis.
In 1890 a PLC was formed - Robert Walker & Sons Ltd . The new company specialised in production of of twist yarns and remained as such until 1920 when Providence Mills (Hyde)Ltd was formed. This company was in operation for only a matter of years and after it had been closed for a while it was taken over in 1927 by Scottish Artificial Silks Ltd. This lasted until 1933. A textile firm J & H Schofield were the next occupiers of the Mill until it was leased by Ashton Brothers in 1939. It is not known at what date Ashton Brothers ceased to use the mill. It is now in multiple firm occupation amongst which is a furniture retailer..
Thanks to Ian Haynes for the information above.
Much appreciated.

Bottom left is Croft St Railway Bridge,and further up the road is the Railway Street, Croft Street and Albert Road. Bottom centre can be seen the Bowling Green of The Hyde Club. We have featured the club in a previous posting and Bill Lancashire left a very informative comment.
"I was a member of The Hyde Club for several years. It is also known as The Gentleman's Club and also The Top Club. It was never a Tory Club though and is non-political. It was founded in the early 1890's as a social club for the gentry of the town. There are a lot of big, imposing houses in the close vicinity. The bricked up door you see in the middle of the wall was the original entrance that led to a lobby separating the card/social room on the right from the snooker room on the left. The new entrance is now on the left of the building The snooker room has two tables and the social room has some wonderful old card tables and wooden chairs that look as though they have been there since the club was first formed. At the back is a super bowling green. Sadly, the area where the club is located has become less popular for well-off residents and also the drink drive laws discourage trade. The membership role is dwindling year by year. Nevertheless it is still a great place to visit if you ever get an opportunity" Thanks Bill.
Above the club we can make out the clinic on Parsonage Street, The building of Parsonage Street Clinic was commenced on July 27th 1923 . It was originally built as a Children's Welfare Clinic and was opened by The Rev.Henry Enfield Dowson on the 6th May 1924. Generations of Hyde children came to this clinic to be weighed, have injections for childhood diseases or simply brought by their mothers for advice on their welfare.
Bottom Right can be seen St. Georges School buildings and playground. Nelson Street Fields can be seen middle right... to the left of the fields in Slack mill/James Norths I can make out the Ring O Bells pub and above that, top right is Peel Street/Grange Road. Top left is Walker Lane.. looking very much a like a lane and not a road.
Centre middle Ring O Bells, to the right the Clarkes Arms, Zion Church Peels Street and Grange Road, centre right Hyde Hospital with Bears Wood running behind it. Donald Avenue and Coombes Avenues to the left. In the centre I can just make out part of Green Lane. Top left but out of focus is Godly Junction or part of it anyway
The road snaking it's way from top to bottom is the A57 Mottram Road, centre left I can make out Hyde Lads Club,Lumb Hollow at the bottom of Ridling Lane, I can just make out Leigh Street School, and of course Ewen Fields Hyde's Football Ground. Centre right top... is Mottram Road's junction with Sheffield Road. Just above the junction we see the arches at Godley.
Bottom left is Sheffield Road, Mottram Road junction and Godley arches, and Godley Hill The sand pits /quarry and the fields beyond. Just before the second bend on Mottram Road, Pudding Lane can be seen wandering off to the right. That view is beyond recognition now.
Hyde Town Centre, Town Hall, Market Square, Fire Station, complete with tower, the Ambulance Station, Theatre Royal, Bottom left Cross Street, where the road disappears from view, is what I remember as Brooke's Warehouse, that was on Water Street. next to it was the old Water Street School building, with the terraces rows of Milk Street and Port Street. Above them the Old Super Market. Above the market, with Norbury Street and Helen Street. Top centre left, I can just make out the Queens, with Hoviley Brow bearing left. Top right we see Hyde lads club. On this picture and on picture 5, I have notice just how of the shops had the pull down awnings. If you look on the left of Market Place we can see them, on picture 5 it is top top of Market Street. Rarely see them any more.
Bottom Left George Street and Charles Street. Then we have Clarendon Street, Hamnett Street, John Street and Russell Street, all cut in half by Beech Street. If we go down George Street I can just make out where it is joined by Lewis Street. At the top of Lewis Street is the Tramshed Just as George Street bends it is joined by Cheapside, across from that we have The Talbot pub, the road then turns to Commercial Street.
Ashton Brothers on Newton Street Carrfield and Bayley Field Mills were built by Mr. Thomas Ashton (senior). Above the mill buildings is Park Road and top left is Hyde Park Woods. Clarendon Street and Clarendon Road junction and the bridge. Print works to the right of Clarendon and to the left of it is the Grammar School.
Top left, The trees in Newton Hollow, and the start of Dukinfield Road. The mill is the now demolished Caxton Works, at one time home to Cartwright and Rattray Ltd, one of the largest firms Printing, Publishing, and Manufacturing Stationers in the North. Mary Street, runs up the back of the works. The rows of houses are on Edward Street, Robert Street, Catherine Street, and Elizabeth Street. George Street can be seen cutting the streets in half. Under the rows of houses we see the Railway Lines, with the Manchester Road train bridge to the far right. Follow Manchester Road to bottom left we can see the Wellington Pub, and across The White Gates. with Mill Lane running towards middle of picture. Read Street next to the fields, running Parallel with Read Street is Manchester Street, now named Frances Street.. The road cutting through those streets is Rhode Street. Alfred Street is running back up to Manchester Road where we can make out The Botanical Club. Across the road is Ann Street and further up is Cooper Street.
Bottom left we see Park Road, Clarendon Road, and Clarendon Street The Grammar school middle left, bottom right is the printworks. Top right are the railway arches near Sammy's Pit.. Newton Station can just be made out. and Bottom and Top rows

Thanks for the pics Tom, great stuff. On the one with Hyde town center up slightly to the left opposite the town hall the blinds are down. That's Cable shoes and next door with the other blind down is the tobacconist. On Cable shoes I pulled that blind down many a summers day! As you say shop blinds not to be seen anymore. Today it is solar shield to protect the merchandise!
Great cropping, and analysis, Tom.
I was particularly very interested in the area around Cheapside as that's where I grew up in the 70's, and to actually see a photo of the mills at the bottom of Brook St was a great delight.
As a side question, does anyone know when the Bottom and Top Rows off Commercial Brow, where demolished ?
Tom, what a lot of work you have put into today's blog I could never have worked out all the different streets and buildings on my own. I could of course recognise the Gas Works. I would run up Raglan Street and along the canal side to get to Providence Mill in time to start work at 7-30. I started there aged 15 in 1959 and left in August 1971. Ashton Brothers left the mill 6 months later.
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