It shows Sam Marshall's Warehouse which, by the looks of things, sold all kinds of clothes, ties, hats & umbrellas amongst other items !
Looks a very well stocked place indeed!
Sam, if that is him pictured, looks very proud of his business and quite rightly so !
This is the location of the warehouse .
221 Market Street, which is just below the Co-op building on the corner of Queen Street.
This area was a thriving centre for shops and businesses.
A lot of hats there, but of course everyone used to wear hats in those days, and the hatting industry was very big in Denton and Stockport.
I've seen a very tatty copy of the first picture... it did not show the details as good as this..
I once read that the local hatting trade in Denton was responsible for the saying "If you can't fight wear a big hat" If I recall correctly it came about when the hatting industry was on 'slack time' and many workers were out of work.. these worker took offence if they saw someone not wearing a hat... and many fights started because of this. So if you didn't want trouble you made sure you had a hat.. and the bigger the better.
Weather it is right or not I don't know.. but it sound good ha!
A while ago I was in a bookshop leafing through a book of photographs of football matches through the ages , and one of the photos was taken at a match in, I think, the 1920s or 1930s. It was taken from the touchline and showed part of the crowd, possibly a thousand men (there didn't seem to be any women), and just about every one of them was wearing a hat or cap.
I notice that Trilby's are making a come back.. I have always thought hats look smart... and when viewing older photographs is pleases me no end to see workmen with bowlers hats laying bricks. My granddad always wore smart hats... and with me having a baldy head maybe I should be sporting one myself.
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