What an area of outstanding beauty it used to be.
Pudding Lane was an ancient route between Godley and Mottram. The western end leaves the present Mottram Road opposite Longlands Lodge. The Eastern end has been submerged into the Hattersley housing estate. Sundial Cottage, dated 1697, on Pudding Lane had a stone sundial on its front. Although a listed building, it was badly vandalised and eventually demolished. Only the names of two terraces, Sundial Walk and Sundial Close on the Hattersley estate now commemorate the site.
Thanks to geograph and Gerald England
Showing location of Sundial Close (centre)
Maps courtesy of Google.
12 months or more ago I went to have a look at the remaining western end of Pudding Lane to take photographs of what remained, but there were just a load of diggers excavating the whole area.
I used to go for walks when I was in my teens along the length of Pudding Lane up to Mottram Old Rd and then back via Mottram Rd and we used to stop at a small wooden hut cafe approx where the new buildings are going up. I have no idea when it was removed. If anyone can remember it or better still a photo, please let us know.
I am having to work from Jane's laptop as my PC is being worked on.. so I can't scan pictures which would have gone nicely with this post.. It was such a nice rural area around here at one time... all I've seen tells me this is a place I would have liked to have spent time.
It was a place of beauty and peacefulness, a nice contrast to Werneth Low for Sunday walks and picnics. Some of the old farmhouses were of great historic interest - Sundial was my favourite. I don't know if anyone's seen the book by Margaret Knott - Hattersley, the Old and the New. It's quite old now but full of wonderful black and white images of the Hattersley as I knew it.
I have a copy of Margaret's book... and would have added to the post with a few pictures for it... only my PC is in bits at the moment.
The book as come up on ebay once or twice
I took a walk down Pudding Lane in May 2010 see a slide-show here
The area where Harehills school used to be and where I photographed a fallen tree has all now been built on.
What have they built there,Gerald? More houses?
Yes more houses and a new entrance onto Mottram Road
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