For those people that are unaquainted with it , here is a brief description from the first issue of their new leaflet.
Please note that the group are always ready to welcome a new pair of hands to help them.
If you would like to find out more, please visit
or telephone Stuart Manson on 0161 368 8883
The last time I walked through Gower Hey it was full of dog shit, on the path and in the grass. Woodland should be left alone to grow wild like nature intended. Once people start messing about with woodland all the interest and adventure goes out of the walk.
Gee Cross old resident.
I suppose we all have our own opinions on this. I think If things were left to go wild then people would be afraid to go down there.
Gee Cross
Very old resident.
I agree with Elsie on this matter, and well done to the Gower Hey Conservation Group, you really are doing a great job, most people will appreciate what you are doing for the preservation of Gower Hey woods!
From an old-ish (young at heart) Gee Cross resident!
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